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汇上优课 天津新东方英语培训中心 雅思 雅思口语词汇整理:与音乐有关的词汇


2023-11-16 15:38分类:雅思阅读:58 分享



  1. composer 作家 作曲家 [例] Mozart is a great composer at his time and beyond.
    2. alto 女低音
    3. tenor 男高音
    4. baritone 男中音
    5. soprano 女高音
    6. rest 休止符
    7. rhythm 节奏 韵律 [例] Rhythm was described by Schopenhauer as melody deprived of its pitch.
    8. tone 音调 音质
    9. pitch 为。。。定音
    10. scale 音阶
    11. chord 弦 和音
    12. orchestra 管弦乐队
    13. band 乐队
    14. solo 独奏曲
    15. duet 二重奏
    16. choir 一组同类的乐器 唱诗班 [例] A string choir.
    17. plainsong 单声圣歌
    18. cantata 清唱剧 大合唱
    19. sonata 奏鸣曲
    20. symphony 交响乐
    21. concerto 协奏曲
    22. prelude 前奏 序幕
    23. overture 前奏曲
    24. opera 歌剧
    25. melody 悦耳的音调 旋律
    26. lullaby 催眠曲
    27. euphonious 悦耳的 [例] Her praise is surely a euphonious song to me.
    28. movement 乐章
    29. instrument 工具 器械
    30. episode 插曲 [例] The long lecture I got from my boss was one episode that I did not want to undergo a second time.
    31. percussion 打击乐器
    32. wind 管乐器
    33. string 弦乐器


1.What's your favourite kind of music?

I am a rock buff. Actually I like all kinds of rock. Just name a few: metal core, industrial metal, classic rock and melodic death metal. My favorite band is Oasis. They help me get through my tough time.


2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

No, I think. I did try to learn guitar when I was in middle school. But I gave up when I had my thumb swollen and had blisters all over.


3. Which instrument would you prefer to study - the piano or the violin?

I love them both equally but I would learn piano first, first of all, it’s a lot easier starting off, and secondly, it’s a great jumping off point to learn other instruments.


  1. 雅思口语误区及解决办法

    1. 反复使用同一词汇:建议平时在路上或者空闲的时候在脑海里用英语“自言自语”,并时刻注意自己的用词有没有“落入俗套”,一段时间后,这样的思维定势就会有所减弱。

    2. 展现词汇要靠大家都想不到的难词、大词和名言警句:雅思口语的词汇首先讲究的是适用性、准确性,词汇一定用你熟悉的,一定是自己能驾驭的,即使简单点儿也无所谓。

    3. 要找到最适合的那个词:在考试的时候,只要能表达自己的意思,怎么用词都是可以的。

以上就是天津新东方英语培训中心为您提供雅思口语词汇整理:与音乐有关的词汇的全部内容,更多内容请进入雅思栏目 查看

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