全国统一咨询电话 400-600-5330
汇上优课 长沙培训 长沙美联英语(已闭校) 师资力量 Demi老师


2024-04-22 04:08阅读:359 分享




Hi there! I'm Demi: Glad to meet you guys! Easy, fun, energetic, warm and friendly-that's the kind of teacher I am! I'm a local teacher in Meten and I majored in Professional English. I am based in Shenzhen and I have almost four years of teaching English to children and adults, beginners and advanced learners. I'm a confident and patient teacher who would like to improve your ability to speak, listen and read English in any time. Learning English is like drinking coke, as easy as that! I do believe ANYONE can speak excellent English! No one is too young, too old, or too busy! All you need is to WANT to speak excellent English, and to be WILLING to do what it takes!


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