汇上优课 东莞培训 东莞美联英语 师资力量 Giliam老师


2024-04-14 07:11阅读:250 分享




Hi everyone. My name is Giliam Winckler and I come from Cape Town, South Africa. I was raised in English, Dutch and German. I come from a multicultural world and have always loved Chinese culture and history. I worked in Xi'an before where I taught private companies (engineers and doctors) and worked at language centers. I have worked in market research (qualitative and quantitative), entertainment (TV and stage), marketing and education (English First Language for high school) before in my country, so I have had an amazing life where I experienced many different fields and people. I have traveled across Europe, Africa, the UK and Asia too. English is without a doubt one of the most important international languages out there, and at Meten we strive to help you communicate yourself through this amazing vehicle of language. I focus on helping students within their respective fields to learn the English they need and will also need in the future.


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